Vaam Mart

Secure Pay With Us

How It Works

  • Verify Your Deal

    1st you choose your plan based on the terms and conditions of the portal and then verify after that your deal will be considered complete. From the selected link or page, you choose the payment option, after selecting the service, you will go to the payment page through the amount of automation of the transaction

  • Choose Payment Option

    2nd when you choose the service, after that the payment link will take you to the payment gateway where you have to choose the mode of payment, you can choose the type of payment like UPI, Net banking etc.

  • Payment Done

    3rd after selecting the payment option, you will complete the transaction process, keep in mind that you do not exit the poll, be patient, on completion of the transaction, you will get the Congratulation notification and you will get the invoice on your registered mail.

Benefits Of Online Payment

Instant Payment

Electronic payments are much faster than the traditional methods of payments such as cash or cheques. In the case of online payments, you do not have any constraint of time or location. You can easily make payments at any time from anywhere across the globe. E-payment systems have eliminated the need for going to the banks to make payments. Now your customers do not have to waste their time standing in the long lines at banks. They can easily pay you by using an electronic payment app.

Higher payment security

Despite its robust features, electronic payments systems has not become so popular among the merchants. They are still using the same old methods for accepting payments. Due to which, they are missing out the opportunity for serving more customers.Electronic payment systems offer you multiple ways of securing your payments such as tokenization, encryption, SSL, etc. Now your customers do not have to enter their card details every time as they can save their card details or complete their transactions by using a One Time Password.

Low risk of theft

The phrase ‘Cash is the king’ is popular in the business world, but this king has also had some limitations. If you are using cash for accepting payments from customers, chances are there it can be stolen. Also, you need to take high safety measures in depositing cash into your bank account. But this risk can be decreased if you are using a secure electronic payment system in your business. By using it, you do not have to worry about your payment record. You can easily get an accurate record of all your transactions at the end of the day.

Saves processing costs

If you want to provide payment services to your customers then you first need to tie up with a card processor. The processor will provide you with a payment gateway for processing and in exchange, it will charge a fixed cost from you. This cost is very high. On the other hand, if you are using an electronic payment system in your business then you do not have to incur such high charges. You just have to pay a fixed subscription to your service provider.


Transparency becomes an essential factor when it comes to payments. And when you are using the digital medium for accepting payments, then it becomes essential for you to maintain transparency in your transactions. In the case of electronic payments, you do not have to worry about the record of your payment details. Also, you can provide the payment details to your customers beforehand. So that there will be fewer chances of confusion.

Better customer convenience

Electronic payments can help you to provide convenient payment experience to your customers. It allows your customer to purchase goods on credit by offering them with the pay later facility. Instead of sending constant reminders for payment to your customers, you can automatically collect money after a specific period.